Week 2 Photos

    Hello Everyone, welcome to my week two blog post for my Intro to Photojournalism class. I think I'm starting to get a better handle not only on the idea of how to take good photos, but also the way I need to change my perspective on life. This week was a really great experience for me inside and outside the classroom. On Wednesday this week I got to attend two great event's on Linn Benton Community College(LBCC) campus. The first event I was lucky enough to attend was Coffee and Conversation. This is an event put on by LBCC to encourage students and faculty to engage in conversation about a number of topics. 

This photo depicts both faculty and students engaging in conversation.


    The second great event I got to attend on Wednesday this week was the blood drive being conducted by Red Cross on LBCC campus. This event allows students who may not know how to donate blood to not only donate blood, but can also gain great information on how to continue donating blood. 

Red Cross employee drawing blood from a donor.



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