Photographer of the Week: Matt Cohen


Matt Cohen is a very well known sports photographer whose "claim to fame" is rodeo photography. First to get a good idea of where Matt Cohen started we have to travel all the way back to his early life. Matt Cohen's Father was an amateur photographer, so over the course of Matt Cohen's childhood his Father taught him many aspects of photography at that time. These included loading film and calculating exposure to name a few. Over the course of his young adult life Matt Cohen continued to shoot photos, but became bored very quickly with the subjects he was shooting. However, this would all change when Matt Cohen's friend began dating a former photojournalist. This would become one of the most crucial aspects of why Matt Cohen has become one of the most well known rodeo photographers. The former photojournalist became somewhat of a mentor to Matt Cohen. Once Mr. Cohen finished photographing events the former photojournalist would heavily scrutinize his photos. This would continue until Matt Cohen got his first spread in Sports Illustrated, and would start down his path that brought him to where he is today.


Photographed by Matt Cohen at the Professional Championship Bullriders Tour Finale 2023

Pictured above is my favorite photo taken by Matt Cohen. This is my favorite photo of his because not only does this picture capture a person doing something incredible, but it also perfectly displays the danger Matt Cohen puts himself in to take these photos. That is the signature of all Matt Cohen's photos. He gets so close to these subjects while they are bull riding that on multiple occasions he has almost died because of it. With that said, this is one of the biggest reasons Matt Cohen has become such a star in not just the photography community, but also the rodeo community. All this hard work, dedication, time, and danger has led to Matt Cohen becoming one of the greatest names in sports/rodeo photography history.

All information contained in the report above was gathered from information posted on Matt Cohens Instagram and Facebook page. 


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